Hydrogen and its Complexes in Silicon
L. Dobaczewskia, K. Bonde Nielsenb, K. Gosciñskia and O. Andersenb
a Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
b Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
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In this study the technique of Laplace transform (high resolution) deep level transient spectroscopy combined with the uniaxial stress method has been used to study a symmetry and the defect reconfiguration kinetics (the stress induced alignment) of some forms of hydrogen-related centres. We have confirmed the trigonal symmetry of the defect related to the isolated bond centred hydrogen. When hydrogen decorates the vacancy-oxygen pair (the A centre) the apparent defect orthorhombic symmetry is not lowered as a result of a very high hydrogen jumping rate between two unsaturated broken bonds of the vacancy. We also show that the stress-induced defect alignment in some cases can be related to the same microscopic mechanism of the hydrogen motion as it is for the diffusion process.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.98.231
PACS numbers: 68.55.Ln, 71.55.Cn, 73.40.Lq