Calculations of EuTe Magnetic Phase Diagram for External Pressure
A. Radomska and T. Balcerzak
Solid State Physics Department, University of Łódź, Pomorska 149/153, 90-236 Łódź, Poland

Received: February 23, 2000; in final form April 28, 2000

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The magnetic phase diagram of europium telluride, EuTe, under external high pressure is theoretically investigated. Besides nearest-neighbour and next-nearest-neighbour exchange interactions, the long-range dipolar and biquadratic interactions are taken into account. The functional dependences of these interactions on the lattice constant are proposed. The calculated Néel and Curie temperatures are compared with the experimental data. Two new phases, antiferrimagnetic and ferrimagnetic, have been found at a high pressure and low temperatures.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.98.83
PACS numbers: 75.10.-b, 75.50.Ee, 75.50.Pp