Photoelectron Spectroscopy of II-VI Semiconductor Heterostructures |
M. Wörz, M. Hampel, R. Flierl and W. Gebhardt Institut für Festkorperphysik, Universität Regensburg, Universitätsstr. 31, Germany |
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We are growing ZnSe, ZnS and CdSe layers epitaxially on GaAs(001) substrates by atomic layer epitaxy and molecular beam epitaxy. The substrates are prepared by a H-plasma method in order to obtain a sharp interface between substrate and layer. The quality of our samples is controlled by reflection high energy diffraction and X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, the samples are characterized in situ by photoelectron spectroscopy. We observe resonant Zn 3d8 and Cd 4d8 satellites, which are used to check the layer quality. As a result, the valence band offsets of CdSe/ZnSe and ZnSe/CdSe were obtained. The values are ΔEv(ZnSe/CdSe) = -(0.13 ± 0.07) eV and ΔEv(CdSe/ZnSe) = -(0.13 ± 0.07) eV, which confirm the commutativity rule. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.90.1113 PACS numbers: 79.60.Jv |