Effective Ion Charge
Marek Moneta
University of Łodź, Chair of Solid State Physics, Pomorska 149, 90-236 Łodź, Poland
Received: March 15, 1995; revised version: November 15, 1995; in final form: February 13, 1996
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The impact parameter dependent energy transfer and random stopping power for ions carrying electrons were determined within the first-order Born approximation. The ion and atom were described by many-electron ground states. The excitations and ionizations of both collision partners were taken into account, but exchange of electrons was neglected. With the Bethe sum rule and closure relation, the random stopping was shown to have the Bethe form. For the Moliere form factors the analytical results were obtained. The effective charge was discussed in the random and channelling conditions. Comparison with some previous calculations was carried out.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.89.581
PACS numbers: 34.50.Bw, 61.80.Mk