Spatial Localized Double-Quantum NMR Heteronuclear Coherence Transfer in Solids by Indirect Detection
D.E. Demco and I. Ardelean
Technical University, Department of Physics, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Received: February 7, 1996; in final form: April 24, 1996
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The spatial localization of the double-quantum NMR heteronuclear coherence transfer in solids, in the presence of a main magnetic field gradient is analyzed. The indirect detection procedure by which the dipolar order of the abundant spin system with I=1/2 is transferred to the double-quantum coherence of the quadrupole nucleus with S=1 and back to the I-spin dipolar order is considered. The slice profile and the cross-relaxation rates are evaluated as a function of the experimental parameters and the sample relevant NMR quantities. The possibility to use this slice selective procedure for imaging and volume localized spectroscopy of quadrupole nuclei in high magnetic fields is discussed.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.89.699
PACS numbers: 76.70.-r, 76.70.Fz, 33.35.-q