Universal Propagator for Group-Related Coherent States
J.R. Klauder, W.A. Tomé
Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA
Dedicated to Prof. Iwo Białynicki-Birula on the occasion of his 60th birthday
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In earlier work universal propagators were introduced for the Heisenberg -Weyl group, the affine group, and the rotation group. By generalizing these constructions we show here that it is possible to introduce a universal propagator for a rather general unitary Lie group. In the context of coherent-state representations, the universal propagator is a single function independent of any particular choice of fiducial vector, which nonetheless, propagates all coherent state Hilbert space representatives correctly.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.85.655
PACS numbers: 02.20.Qs, 03.65.Ca