Dielectric Properties and Electron Spectrum of the Müller Model in the High-Temperature Superconductivity Theory
I.V. Stasyuk and A.M. Shvaika
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Svientsitsky St. 1, Lviv 290011, Ukraine
Received: October 5, 1992; revised version: April 30, 1993
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The paper is devoted to the investigation of the single-electron excitation spectrum, effective exchange interaction and dielectric susceptibility of the Muller model for high-temperature superconductivity. It is shown that the interaction with the anharmonic vibration mode leads to the additional splitting of the electron bands and their narrowing. The sign of the effective exchange interaction between electrons depends on the local state of the vibration subsystem. The electron and pseudospin (lattice) contributions to the transverse dielectric susceptibility are investigated.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.84.293
PACS numbers: 74.65.+n, 71.45.Gm