Calcul des contraintes dans une couche mince deposee sur un substrat |
G. Bertholona, C. Dupuyb, C. Surrya, R. Redonb, H. Zahouania aENISE, 58 rue Jean Parot, Saint-Etienne 42023 cedex, France bUniversité Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, 69622 cedex, France |
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CALCULATIONS OF THE CONSTRAINTS IN A THIN FILM DEPOSITED ON THE SUBSTRATE: The aim of the present paper is to give simple calculations of the constraints in a thin film deposited on the substrate. The thin film can be obtained by the recrystallization of the surface. It is considered in relation to its substrate, where the force is linearly proportional to the surface area of the film. On the other hand, it is considered to be under the action of a force related to the thermic and compressional constraints. The initial and final boundary conditions in the linearized model play an essential role in the model adopted. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.83.581 PACS numbers: 68.55.-a |