Using the Automatic Calibration Machine MagStressACS to Establish Calibration Curves for S355 Steel |
Z. Saternus, T. Domański, M. Kubiak
Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Dąbrowskiego 69, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland |
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The paper presents physical aspects related to the preparation of the device and the cross-sample calibration process. The innovative automatic calibration machine MagStressACS was used to carry out the process. This device is an effective solution for quickly generating calibration curves of the dependence of the Barkhausen effect on the strain state for the biaxial stress state. A cross-calibration sample made of S355 steel was used in the tests. During the calibration process, 50 measurement points were assumed. Based on the experimental tests, calibration curves and two-dimensional calibration maps were obtained. The results constitute a basis for reference results for further research on the stress state and deformation of real steel constructions. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.146.778 topics: Barkhausen effect, calibration process, calibration curves, S355 steel |