Fuzzy Control of Gun Barrel Movement: Fuzzy Logic and the Gun Barrel's Precision Dance
F. Ribnía, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczyb
aEötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Doctoral School of Education, Kazinczy u. 23-27, 1075, Budapest, Hungary
bJ. Selye University, Faculty of Economics and Informatics, Institute of Software Design and Software Development, Hradná 21, 945 01, Komárno, Slovakia
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The scientific and technical aspects of gun barrel movement for effective attack and defense are of ultimate significance. The precise control of the gun barrel is of strategic importance during targeting, especially in changing environmental conditions. Fuzzy logic control offers a powerful alternative to classical and manual solutions to deal with the complexity and uncertainties of dynamic systems, thus increasing targeting accuracy and precision. This approach provides adaptability and intuitive parameterization while simplifying system design and implementation. On the other hand, in fuzzy control management, accurate modeling and visualization of gun barrel movement is essential to achieve efficient aiming and performance. Many papers and realizations can be found on the (automatic) fuzzy control of cannon barrels. In this paper, the authors also suggest an implementation of a fuzzy-controlled cannon barrel. The novelty of this approach is the application of new defuzzification methods, resulting in an accurate solution for the problem. The article starts with a review of the theory and literature on the control of cannon barrels. It is followed by a comparison of different implementations, including simulation tests on the accuracy, and a discussion of some practical issues.

topics: fuzzy set theory, cannon control, optimization, Hopfield neural networks