Cumulative Distribution Functions as Hysteresis Models
M.F. de Campos, J.A. de Castro
Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Av. dos Trabalhadores 420 Volta Redonda RJ, 27255-125 Brazil
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The cumulative distribution functions can be used as the basis for hysteresis models. Here it is described how, using only 3 parameters, including one representing the shape, hysteresis curves can be constructed using symmetric distribution functions. The model is useful in the interpretation of magnetic Barkhausen noise data. The model also has a clear physical meaning because it represents the distribution of coercivity inside the sample. An isotropic Stoner-Wohlfarth hysteresis was partially modelled by a three-parameter cumulative distribution function of Gaussian hysteresis for the 1st and 3rd quadrants. Asymmetric distributions will provide better hysteresis adjustment, but these are four-parameter models.

topics: hysteresis, magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN), Stoner-Wohlfarth, cumulative distribution function (CDF)