Nascent Rotational Distribution of CO2(0000,J) States from Collisions with Highly Vibrationally Excited Na2
X.F. Zhao, Z.L. Yu, S.Y. Wang, C. Qin, Y.F. Shen, K. Dai
School of Physical Sciences and Technology, Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Solid State Physics and Devices, Xinjiang University, No. 777 Huarui Street, Shuimogou District 830046, Urumqi, China
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In this work, the high vibrational states of Na2 were excited via stimulated emission pumping. The full-state resolution distribution of molecular scattering of CO2(0000,J), resulting from collisions with excited Na2 X1Σp+g (v''=33 and 45), was also investigated. In particular, the scattered CO2(0000, J=2-80) molecules were found to possess a biexponential rotational distribution. The low- and high-energy distributions were derived by fitting the data by means of a biexponential model. The cold distribution accounted for 80% of the total scattering and was caused by elastic or weakly inelastic collisions. Such collisions might have caused very small rotational excitations in CO2. The hot distribution involved substantial changes in the rotational energy of CO2 and accounted for 20% of the total amount of collisions. The influence of the donor energy on the rotational distribution was shown to be very large; however, for the two types of donor energies, the branches associated with inelastic and elastic collision rates were the same. The nascent translational energy curves for scattered CO2(0000, J=56-80) were measured via high-resolution transient overtone fluorescence. For every 25% enhancement in donor vibrational energy, the product translational energy of an individual J-state increased by 60%. Additionally, the measured collision rates were found to be weakly dependent on the donor energy.

topics: spectroscopy measurement, energy transfer, stimulated emission pumping, excited Na2