Brief Perspective of High-Temperature Superconductivity in the Cuprates: Strong Correlations Combined with Superexchange Match Experiment
J. Spałek
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University, Łojasiewicza 11, PL-30348 Kraków, Poland
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High-temperature superconductivity encompasses the cuprates, nickelates, iron pnictides, and LaHx compounds. The first three groups of compounds involve in the pairing electrons, which are strongly to moderately correlated, whereas in the last class of systems specific phonon excitations. In this overview, we concentrate first on the (semi)quantitative theory of high-TC superconductivity in the cuprates based on our original vibrational approach beyond the renormalized mean-field theory. The model we mainly explore is the t-J-U model containing superexchange (kinetic exchange) combined with strong interelectronic correlations. Selected equilibrium and dynamic-excitation properties are analyzed briefly. General questions regarding the pseudogap and two-dimensional character of those systems are raised.

topics: high temperature superconductivity, strong electron correlations, cuprates, t-J-U model