Tunable Second-Order Sideband Effects Based on Dual-Species BEC-Optomechanical Systems
Li-Wei Liua, b, Guo-Heng Zhanga, Xiang-Li Wanga, Xiu-Jia Ana, Hai-Yan Jiaoa
aCollege of Electrical Engineering, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730000, China
bKey Laboratory for Electronic Materials of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of PRC, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730000, China
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We theoretically investigate a second-order optomechanically induced transparency process of a cigar-shaped dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate with nonlinear collisions trapped inside an optomechanical cavity. We find that atomic collisions provide linear couplings, which facilitate the mechanical mixing of the dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate. We derive analytical expressions of the output transmission intensity of the probe field and the dimensionless amplitude of the second-order sideband. The numerical results show that the transmission intensity and the dimensionless amplitude of the second-order sideband can be controlled by the control field intensities, the effective detuning, and the effective coupling strength of the Bogoliubov mode of the dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate and optical mode. Furthermore, the interspecies and intraspecies interactions are also used to control the transmission intensity and the dimensionless amplitude of the second-order sideband.

topics: cavity optomechanical system, dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate, second-order sideband