Quantum Phase Diffusion in Two-Mode Bose-Einstein Condensates with Particle Losses
Jianning Liua, Jiahao Xua, Kejela Wodajo Ebawaka, Xinfang Lia, Hengna Xiongb, Yixiao Huanga
aSchool of Science, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou, 310023, China
bDepartment of Applied Physics, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, 310023, China
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We study the effect of particle losses on dynamical phase diffusion in a two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate. Starting with an equal-population coherent state, the single-particle coherence is solved analytically by the Monte Carlo wave function method. We show that decoherence slows down the loss of single-particle coherence. Moreover, we find that the bigger phase diffusion is, the more sensitive to the noise it becomes. Finally, we discuss the effect of the losses on the spin squeezing and show that the squeezing angle is robust to the decoherence even though the value of the squeezing is greatly affected.

topics: phase diffusion, Bose-Einstein condensate, particle losses, Monte Carlo wave function