Density Structure in Two-Component Spin-Orbit-Coupled Dipolar Ultracold Bose Gas
Qiang Zhao, Li-Chao Feng, Xiao-Meng Yang, He-En Xu
School of Science, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063210, China
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In this paper, we consider the ground state properties of a spin-orbit coupled binary Bose-Einstein condensates with dipole-dipole interaction. Our results are obtained by numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in the mean field. It is shown that the density structures are greatly affected by spin-orbit coupled strength and dipole strength. With the increase of spin-orbit coupled strength, we find that a stripe phase and phase separation of two components appear, and the number of stripes increases. In addition, concentric circularity stripes with spatial symmetry appear. We also verify that the phase separation can be broken as the dipole strength increases. However, the stripe phase is still kept in this process. As a result, there are no regions of zero density inside the cloud and the non-fragmented density BEC is exhibited. Also, the critical dipole strength decreases with increasing the SOC strength for the non-fragmented state. This result reflects a competition in which the spin-orbit coupling dominates the dipole-dipole interaction.

topics: spin-orbit coupled, dipolar interaction, Bose-Einstein condensates