Melting Curve, Eutectic Point and Lindemann's Melting Temperatures of hcp Binary Alloys Studied Based on Debye-Waller Factors |
Nguyen Cong Toana, Dinh Quoc Vuongb, Nguyen Van Hunga
aDepartment of Physics, VNU University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam bbCam Pha Education & Training Department, Cam Pha, Quang Ninh, Vietnam |
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A method for studying the melting curves, eutectic point, and Lindemann's melting temperatures of hcp binary alloys is derived, based on the Debye-Waller factors given in terms of mean square displacement. Analytical expressions obtained for the considered quantities are based on Lindemann's criterion on melting. The mean square displacement is applied to calculate the ratio of the root mean square fluctuation in atomic positions around their equilibrium position in the lattice and atomic nearest neighbor distance. Using these results, the expression of the melting curve of hcp binary alloys is derived, which provides information on Lindemann's melting temperatures and eutectic point with respect to any proportion of hcp constituent elements. The proposed method allows to specify the binary alloy forms for the calculated atomic number of host and doping elements and their distribution in each elementary cell. Numerical results for the melting curve, eutectic point of Cd1-xZnx, and for Lindemann's melting temperatures of several hcp binary alloys agree well with experiment. |
DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.140.27 topics: melting curve and eutectic point, Lindemann's melting temperature, the Debye-Waller factor, hcp binary alloys |