Nanosized Monolayer on Square Lattice within Spin-1 Ising Model: Hysteretic Properties with Odd Interactions
S. Özüma, R. Kavlakb, R. Erdemc, O. Yalçind
aAlaca Avni Çelik Vocational School, Hitit University, 19600, Çorum, Turkey
bInstitute of Science, Hitit University, 19600 Çorum, Turkey
cDepartment of Physics, Akdeniz University, 07058, Antalya, Turkey
dDepartment of Physics, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, 51240, Niğde, Turkey
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The hysteretic properties of a nanosized monolayer on the square lattice have been studied based on the spin-1 Ising model, including a single-ion anisotropy (D) and dipolar-quadrupolar (or odd, L) interaction parameters using the pair approximation. The nanosized monolayer is divided into the core, core-surface, and surface parts as introduced in J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 373, 217 (2015). The dipolar (or magnetization M) and quadrupolar (Q) order parameters are calculated. We have investigated M vs. magnetic field H behaviors for different values of L, temperatures T, and monolayer sizes R. We also observed Q-D, M-D and Q-H hysteresis loops. These results are discussed in relation to other theoretical findings.

topics: nanosized monolayer, pair approximation, single-ion anisotropy, odd interaction