Unusual Properties of Enhancement Factor in Open Wave Chaotic System with Time-Reversal-Invariance Violation
M. Białousa, B. Dietzb, L. Sirkoa
aInstitute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotnikow 32/46, PL-02668 Warsaw, Poland
bLanzhou Center for Theoretical Physics and the Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China
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We discuss experimental investigations showing that above a certain size of time-reversal (T) invariance violation the increase of the openness of a wave chaotic system can lead to an increase of the elastic enhancement factor, that is, an enhancement of scattering in backward direction. In the experiment, a quantum billiard with partially violated time-reversal invariance, characterized by the T-invariance violation parameter ξ, which varies between zero for preserved and one for completely violated T-invariance, is simulated with a flat quarter-bow-tie microwave cavity which contains two cylindrical ferrites that are magnetized by an external magnetic field. The elastic enhancement factor FM(η,γ,ξ) is investigated as a function of internal absorption and openness. Particularly, we focus on the frequency range of strongest T-invariance violation where the increase of the number of open channels causes a boost of the elastic enhancement factor FM(η,γ,ξ), instead of the expected lowering. Our study extends our recently published investigation [Phys. Rev. E 102, 042206 (2020)] towards a higher number of open channels and therefore larger openness of the system.

topics: wave chaos, microwave billiards, time-reversal invariance violation, quantum chaotic scattering