An Influence of the Parameters of Pre-Stressing and Winkler Elastic Foundation on a Stability of the Geometrically Nonlinear Column under Specific Load
J. Szmidla, I. Cieślińska-Gąsior
Częstochowa University of Technology, al. Armii Krajowej 19, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland
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The paper presents the results of theoretical and numerical studies on the issue of stability of a geometrically nonlinear column subjected to follower force directed towards the positive pole (specific load). Due to the geometric nonlinearity in the model, a recti- and curvilinear form of static equilibrium can be distinguished. The loss of rectilinear form is local and does not lead to complete destruction of the column, but significantly reduces its maximum load. The paper proposes to include in the model the initial pre-stressing of the system and the local Winkler elastic foundation in order to increase the value of bifurcation load. The boundary problem was formulated using the Hamilton principle and variation calculus properties, and then solved using the perturbative method.

topics: loss of rectilinear form, pre-stressing, Winkler elastic foundation, static criterion of stability