Residual Entropy and Low Temperature Pseudo-Transition for One-Dimensional Models
O. Rojas
Departamento de FĂ­sica, Universidade Federal de Lavras, 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil
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Here we report an intrinsic relationship between the zero temperature phase boundary residual entropy and pseudo-transition. Usually, the residual entropy increases at the phase boundary, which means the system gains accessible states in the phase boundary compared to its adjacent states, although it is not always the case. Therefore, we propose the following statement at zero temperature. If the residual entropy is continuous at least from the one-sided limit, then the analytical free energy exhibits a pseudo-transition at low temperature. For illustrative purpose, our argument is applied to a frustrated coupled double tetrahedral Ising-Heisenberg chain to show the pseudo-transitions behaviors due to the phase boundary residual entropy continuity.

topics: residual entropy, pseudo-transition, quasi-phase