Kondo Impurity between Superconducting and Metallic Reservoir: The Flow Equation Approach
M. Barańska, T. Zienkiewicz
Polish Air Force University, Dywizjonu 303, PL-08521 Dęblin, Poland
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Correlated quantum impurity embedded in a metallic host can form the many-body Kondo state with itinerant electrons due to the effective antiferromagnetic coupling. Such effect is manifested spectroscopically by a narrow Abrikosov-Suhl peak appearing at the Fermi level below a characteristic temperature TK (Kondo temperature). We analyze nanoscopic heterojunction where the correlated quantum impurity is coupled to superconducting reservoir. We study influence of the induced on-dot pairing on the exchange interaction adopting the continuous unitary transformation.

PACS numbers: 05.10.Cc, 71.10.Li, 71.27.+a, 72.15.Qm, 74.45.+c