Non-Invasive 3D Optical Measurement of Round Surfaces
H. Kurtuldua, G. Durkayab, B. Çetinc
aBaskent University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
bAtilim University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
cFNSS Defense Systems Co. Inc., Engineering and Research Department, Ankara, Turkey
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Precise measurement of wear profiles in large areas of round surfaces such as shafts, suspension bars and high-deviation geometry surfaces is a challenge in manufacturing engineering. An optical measurement method is developed to overcome this challenge. This method, relying on angular reconstruction of scattered light profiles, is used for the measurement of irregular wear in quality testing of round surfaces which provides information on estimating the surface lifetime after prolonged use. This approach achieves a 3D depth accuracy better than 50 μm in suspension bars with diameters up to 50 mm from an imaging distance of 250 mm.

topics: 3D optical measurement, digital image processing, rod, wear, non-invasive measurement