Improvement of the Numerical Method for Effective Refractive Index Calculation of Porous Composite Materials Using Microlevel Models
N. Andrushchak, N. Jaworski and M. Lobur
CAD Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S. Bandery Str., Lviv, Ukraine
Received: June 26, 2017; In final form: October 20, 2017
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The numerical method of the effective refractive index of porous composite materials calculation was improved by implementation of microlevel cellular structural models. The proposed solution gives the ability uniformly to analyse complex structural inhomogeneities and to synthesize the corresponding index based on the simulation of electrostatic field. The proposed realization is simpler and takes less computations capacities in comparison to analogous simulation methods. The method was probed on the example of SiO2 nanoporous matrix with refractive index n=1.426 at λ=2.71 μm wavelength. The results of simulation are in good agreement with other analytical models from literature.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.164
PACS numbers: 02.70.Dh, 41.20.Cv, 78.20.Ci, 81.05.Rm