Comprehensive Analyses of Gaussian Graphical Model under Different Biological Networks
D. Dokuzoğlu, V. Purutçuoğlu
Middle East Technical University, Department of Statistics, Ankara, Turkey
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Naturally, genes interact with each other by forming a complicated network and the relationship between groups of genes can be shown by different functions as gene networks. Recently, there has been a growing concern in uncovering these complex structures from gene expression data by modeling them mathematically. The Gaussian graphical model is one of the very popular parametric approaches for modelling the underlying types of biochemical systems. In this study, we evaluate the performance of this probabilistic model via different criteria, from the change in dimension of the systems to the change in the distribution of the data. Hereby, we generate high dimensional simulated datasets via copulas and apply them in Gaussian graphical model to compare sensitivity, specificity, F-measure and various other accuracy measures. We also assess its performance under real datasets. We consider that such comprehensive analyses can be helpful for assessing the limitation of this common model and for developing alternative approaches, to overcome its disadvantages.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.132.1106
PACS numbers: 02.50.-r, 02.50.Ng, 02.70.Rr