Phase Decomposition in a High-Manganese Steel |
M. Witkowska
AGH-University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Cracow, Poland |
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The present work deals with the texture and microstructure development in high-manganese steel X85MnAl29-9. It was cold rolled to 50% reduction and then aged at 550°C for various times. The investigations included measurements of texture, X-ray phase analysis and microstructure observations. The results indicate that, when ageing takes place, precipitation of κ' carbide in an austenitic matrix and carbide κ at grain boundaries occur. The existence of satellites suggests that (Fe, Mn)3AlC carbides were formed within the austenite matrix by spinodal decomposition. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.950 PACS numbers: 81.40.Cd, 81.40.Ef, 81.40.-z |