Comparative Study of Sb2O3 (Sb2O5) and Ta2O5 Doping Effects with TeO2 on Electrical Properties of δ -Bi2O3 |
L. Loubbidi a, A. Chagraoui a, S. Villain b, L. Bourja a, B. Orayech c, O. Ait Sidi Ahmed a, A. Moussaoui a, A. Tairi a
aLaboratoire de Chimie Analytique et Physico-Chimie des Matériaux (LCAPM), Faculté des Sciences Ben M'Sik, Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Maroc bAvenue de l'Université Toulon Var B.P. 20132, Laboratoire IM2NP, Bâtiment R83957, La garde CEDEX, Toulon, France cCIC Energigune, Parque Tecnológico, C/Albert Einstein, 48, 01510 Miñano (Álava), Spain |
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In this study, Sb2O3 (Sb2O5) and Ta2O5 are used as co-dopants with TeO2 to stabilize the delta phase of bismuth oxide (δ -Bi2O3). Some compositions with formula (1-x) BiO1.5-(x/4) Sb2Te2O9 and (1-x) BiO1.5-(x/4) Ta2Te2O9 (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9) have been synthesized by solid state reaction at 850°C and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction. The Bi0.9Sb0.05Te0.05O1.575, Bi0.9Ta0.05Te0.05O1.575 and Bi0.8Ta0.1Te0.1O1.65 retain a cubic fluorite structure of δ -Bi2O3 phase. The electric properties were studied by impedance spectroscopy. All samples were evaluated by calculating conductivities and activation energies. Various impedance model including constant phase element and the Warburg impedances have been used to interpret the Nyquist representations of electrical analyses. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.862 PACS numbers: 81.05.Je, 82.47.Ed |