3D Discrete Dislocation Dynamics: Influence of Segment Mobility on Critical Shear Stress
T. Záležák and A. Dlouhý
Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences (CEITEC IPM), Žižkova 22, 616 62 Brno, Czech Republic
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We use 3D discrete dislocation dynamics technique to study a low-angle tilt boundary migration subjected to applied shear stress at high temperatures, where diffusion significantly contributes to the dislocation motion. The model considers Peach-Koehler forces due to interactions between individual straight dislocation segments. The model also addresses dislocation plasticity in a field of impenetrable incoherent spherical precipitates. Velocities of the individual dislocation segments are calculated in relation to the crystallography of the material. Several calculation series have been carried out for different velocity and driving force relations. The results show that there exists a critical applied shear stress, below which the low angle dislocation boundary cannot surpass the rigid precipitates and remains in an equilibrium configuration. This agrees with experimental results obtained in creep tests of dispersion strengthened alloys. The critical stresses have been calculated also for situations where the applied stress was decreased during the interaction between the low-angle tilt boundary and the precipitates.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.654
PACS numbers: 61.72.Hh, 61.72.Lk, 62.20.Hg