Soil Stabilization with Using Waste Materials against Freezing Thawing Effect |
F. Yilmaza, H.A. Kamıloğlu a and E. Şadoğlu b
aBayburt University/Civil Engineering Department, Bayburt, Turkey bKaradeniz Technical University, Civil Engineering Department, Trabzon, Turkey |
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Freezing-thawing processes hapenning in seasonally cold climate cause deformation of soil in time of freezing and strength loss while thawing. Problems of ground frost heave and soil softening belong to the important factors, that could cause serious damage and financial loss. Bayburt tuff and tuffites known as Bayburt Stone mines, located around Bayburt, play important role on economy of the Bayburt city. As a result of researches in 2005 total of 2 535 700 tons proved reserve were determined several places in Bayburt. The goal of this study is proving, that deposits of Green Bayburt Stone wastes, created in the stone quarries during the stone processing, can be used as a stabilizing material. By recycling the waste material rejected stone was mixed with lime and used as a soil stabilizator against freezing-thawing effect. Prepared natural and stabilized soil samples were subjected to freezing-thawing cycles after curing for 28 days. After the freezing-thawing cycles, compressive strength of the samples was measured to investigate the influence of the additives on the freezing-thawing properties of soil samples. As a result of this study, it was determined that samples stabilized with Green Bayburt Stone mixtures have high freezing-thawing durability as compared to unstabilized samples. As a consequence, it was seen that those mixtures can be successfully used as an additive material to enhance the freezing-thawing effects of cohessive soils. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.B-392 PACS numbers: 89.60.Kk, 89.60.-k |