Transport Parameters of F- Ions in BF3
Ž. Nikitovića, V. Stojanović a, Z. Raspopović a and J. Jovanović b
aInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, POB 68, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
bFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Received: January 22, 2014; In final form: June 18, 2014
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In this work we presented the new results for energy dependent cross-sections and transport coefficients as a function of E/N for F- ions in BF3 gas. Results were obtained by using the Monte Carlo technique for cross-section set determined on the basis of the Nanbu theory. Monte Carlo method is applied to obtain swarm parameters at temperature of T=300 K.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.724
PACS numbers: 51.10.+y, 52.20.Hv, 52.65.Pp, 52.77.-j