Modeling of Processes Taking Place during Powder Coating Treatment by an Electron Beam or a Plasma Jet |
D. Alontsevaa, A. Krasavina, T. Kolesnikovaa and A. Russakovab
aEast-Kazakhstan State Technical University, Protazanov 69, 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan bEurasian National University, Munaitpasov 5, 01008, Astana, Kazakhstan |
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This paper considers the problem of finding the temperature field in two-layer metallic materials heated by a moving source of radiation. It describes developed by the authors numerical method for solving the problem of heating a two-layer plate by a moving axially symmetric surface heat source with regard to the function of distribution of the power density of the beam for which the program of computation in C++ was implemented. The calculation results were used for selecting the optimal parameters (speed and power density of the source) of modifying radiation of protective powder coatings on steel substrates. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.1275 PACS numbers: 02.60.Cb, 02.30.Nw, 44.05.+e |