The Influence of Local Increase of Stress on Eigenvalues for a Simply Supported Beam
S. Kasprzyk and R. Marczuk
AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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Local increase of bending stress in a beam may be caused by a decrease of the cross-section (fracture) or a local increase of bending torque. The increase of stress issues from the well known interdependence between the stress, the bending torque and the sectional modulus. The work presents a derivation of differential equations for eigenfunctions in both cases. Knowing the eigenfunctions and boundary conditions we determine a system of algebraic equations for the eigenvalues that are different from the eigenvalues of the beam without local stress disturbances. Two computational models of local increase of stress were constructed: with fracture and with local increase of bending torque.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.A-169
PACS numbers: 46.70.De, 46.40.-f