Asymmetry Induced Localization
H. Kohler
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Sor Juana de la Cruz 3, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain
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We consider a two-level system, which couples via non-commuting operators to two independent oscillator baths. When the coupling is symmetric, the renormalized hopping matrix element is finite even for infinitely strong coupling strength. The two-level system is in a delocalized phase. For finite coupling strength a localization transition occurs for a critical asymmetry angle, which separates the localized from the delocalized phase. Using the method of flow equations we are able to monitor real time dynamics.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.124.1053
PACS numbers: 05.30.-d, 03.65.Yz, 05.45.Mt, 73.23.-b