Fractal Features of Specific Emitter Identification
J. Dudczyka and A. Kawalec b
aWB Electronics S.A., Poznańska 129/133, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki, Poland
bInstitute of Radioelectronics, Faculty of Electronics, Military University of Technology, S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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This article presents the issues connected with emitter sources identification with low distinctive primary features of a signal. It is a specific type of identification called specific emitter identification, which distinguishes different copies of the same type of emitter. The term of specific emitter identification was presented on the basis of fractal features received from the transformation of measurement data sets. The use of linear regression and Lagrange polynomial interpolation resulted in the estimation of measurement function. The method analysing properties of measurement function which was suggested by the authors caused the extraction of two additional distinctive features. The features above extended the vector of basic radar signals' parameters. The extended vector of radar signals' features made it possible to identify the copy of emitter source.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.124.406
PACS numbers: 42.30.Sy, 47.54.-r, 43.60.Lq