Superconducting Layers by Gallium Implantation and Short-Term Annealing in Semiconductors
J. Fiedlera, b, V. Heeraa, M. Voelskowa, A. Mücklicha, H. Reuthera, W. Skorupaa, G. Gobschb and M. Helma
aInstitute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), P.O. Box 51 01 19, D-01314 Dresden, Germany
bExperimental Physics, Institute of Physics, Ilmenau University of Technology, Weimarer Str. 32, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany
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Superconducting layers in silicon and germanium are fabricated via gallium implantation through a thin SiO2 cover layer and subsequent rapid thermal annealing. Gallium accumulation at the SiO2/Si and SiO2/Ge interfaces is observed but no pure gallium phases were found. In both cases superconducting transition occurs around 6-7 K which can be attributed to the metallic conducting, gallium rich interface layer. However, the superconducting as well as the normal-state transport properties in gallium overdoped silicon or germanium are different.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.123.916
PACS numbers: 74.78.-w