Spin Hall Effect in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Strong Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction: Semiclassical Keldysh Approach |
A. Dyrdała, J. Barnaśa, V.I. Ivanovb and V.K. Dugaevc, d
aFaculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznań, Poland bFrantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NASU, Vilde 5, 58001 Chernovtsy, Ukraine cDepartment of Physics, Rzeszów University of Technology, Powstańców Warszawy 6, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland dInstitut für Physik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 06120 Halle, Germany |
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Spin Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas with the Rashba spin-orbit interaction is analyzed theoretically. We use the Keldysh technique for nonequilibrium processes, modified in order to take into account well-defined splitting of the Fermi surface due to strong spin-orbit coupling. Using such an approach, we reconsider the two-dimensional electron gas with the Rashba spin-orbit interaction and show that impurity scattering processes suppress the spin Hall effect. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.122.1059 PACS numbers: 73.63.-b, 72.25.Dc, 75.70.Tj |