Uncertainty Assessment of Index M
W. Batkoa and B. Przysuchab
aAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
bFaculty of Management, Department of Quantitative Methods in Management of Economy, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 38, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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Administrative decisions, related to the selection of the priority of activities minimising acoustic effects in the analysed areas, are determined by the index M values. This index is also known as the noise protection agents demand. A form: of its function is determined by variables describing the number of residents and the level of exceeding the permissible noise in these inhabited regions. Uncertainty of decisions resulting from such assessments is conditioned by numerical measures: inaccurate measurements of exceeding permissible noise indicators as well as errors in the estimation of the number of residents exposed to them, formulated in probabilistic categories and interpreted in an interval way. Thus, the uncertainty assessment of index M, being the function determined by means of those variables, requires the determination of the density of probability distribution function of its occurrence. The method of its determination constitutes the contents of the presented hereby paper. The study concentrates on the derivation of the density of probability distribution function of index M, at the assumption that the distribution of variable errors is in a form of the normal cut distribution. The computational algorithm, allowing to perform necessary numerical calculations assigned to the uncertainty assessment process of index M, is presented. The obtained results are illustrated by the example.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.A-156
PACS numbers: 43.28.Lv, 43.50.-x, 02.50.Cw