Hamiltonian Approach to Multiple Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators
S. Durmaza, S. Altay Demirbagb and M.O. Kayaa
aFaculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Istanbul Technical University, 34469 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
bFaculty of Science and Letts, Istanbul Technical University, 34469 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
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In this paper, Hamiltonian approach is extended to investigate coupled nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom oscillatory systems. At the beginning of the study, basic principles of Hamiltonian approach are provided for multiple coupled oscillators. In the next section, the amplitude-frequency relation for the two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear mechanical systems is obtained via Hamiltonian approach. The natural frequency expression is compared to show the agreement between the present and published results. Additionally, the approximate and numerical periodic solutions are plotted.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.47
PACS numbers: 05.45.-a, 46.40.-f