Thermodynamic Characteristics of 1D Structures
S. Jaćimovskia, D. Raković b
aCrime-Police Academy, Cara Dusana Street 196, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
bFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Univeristy of Belgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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In this paper 1D crystal lattice is analyzed within harmonic approximation, with one atom per elementary cell and nearest neighbor interaction included. For this type of crystal lattice dispersion relations are well known. Thermodynamic functions (specific heat and phonon thermal conductivity) are calculated via phonon density of states given in exact form. Thermodynamic variables are calculated for a whole temperature range. In limiting cases of low and high temperatures these thermodynamic variables can be found in analytic forms. For thermal conductivity the results of Callaway model for exact phonon density of states are compared with the results of Callaway model for Debye approximation of phonon density of states.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.120.231
PACS numbers: 63.20e, 63.20D, 63.20dk, 63.20kd, 63.20kg, 63.20kp, 65.40Ba, 66.30h