Effect of Surface Tension and Rotation on Rayleigh-Taylor Instability of Two Superposed Fluids with Suspended Particles |
P.K. Sharmaa, R.P. Prajapati b and R.K. Chhajlanib
aUniversity Institute of Technology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, M.P., India bSchool of Studies in Physics Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P.-456010, India |
Received: November 19, 2009; in final form: March 30, 2010 |
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The Rayleigh-Taylor instability of two superposed incompressible fluids of different densities in the presence of small rotation, surface tension and suspended dust particles is investigated. The linearized equations of the problem are constructed and the general dispersion relation is obtained using normal mode analysis by applying the appropriate boundary conditions. The effects of surface tension, the Atwood number, small rotation and suspended dust particles are studied on both conditions of Rayleigh-Taylor instability and growth rate of the unstable Rayleigh-Taylor mode. The numerical calculations have been performed to see the effect of rotation, the Atwood number, relaxation frequency and mass concentration of suspended dust particles. It is found that the growth rate of Rayleigh-Taylor instability depends upon the mass concentration and relaxation frequency of suspended dust particles. The uniform small rotation, relaxation frequency and mass concentration of suspended dust particles all have stabilizing influence on the growth rate of Rayleigh-Taylor instability. It is also found that the Atwood number has destabilizing influence on the growth rate of the considered Rayleigh-Taylor configuration. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.576 PACS numbers: 47.50.Gj, 52.35.Py, 47.20.Ib, 06.30.Gv, 47.10.-g |