Radiative Heat Loss Correction for 3-Body Graphite Calorimeters
C. Ionitaa, D. Radub and I. Astefanoaeib
aS.C. Explora Rx S.R.L., Computer Tomography Clinic, Str. Eternitate, 45, 700304, Iasi, Romania
bDepartment of Solid State and Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Univ. ``Al.I. Cuza'', Blvd. Carol I, 11, 700506, Iasi, Romania
Received: May 20, 2009; in final form June 2, 2010
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For a 3-body Domen-type absorbed-dose graphite calorimeter a refined ordinary differential equation model is developed taking into account the heat loss through radiation from the surface of all three bodies. The new reduced heat transfer coefficients, Ki*, i = 1, 2, 3 were defined and the associated calculated heat loss correction factors FC* and FC + J*ast were determined. The total energy lost by radiation from the core surface was evaluated for both heating and post heating periods as being 31.35% from the total core heat loss (and up to 1.1% from the total energy delivered to the core during the heating time). A new correction factor for heat loss through radiation from the calorimeter bodies' surfaces was introduced and calculated as being kSB ≈ 0.9996.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.118.550
PACS numbers: 29.40.Vj, 44.40.+a