Singular Dynamics of Various Macroeconomic Sectors
M. Kozłowska and R. Kutner
Division of Physics Education, Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Smyczkowa Str. 5/7, PL-02-678 Warsaw, Poland
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In this work we applied our original solution of the literal Rheological Model of Fractional Dynamics of Financial Market, i.e., the time dependent solution proportional to the Mittag-Leffler function superposed with oscillations, not only to describe the singular dynamics of financial markets but also to study the singular dynamics of various macroeconomic sectors. The approach makes possible to sufficiently estimate (among others) the time of crash as well as its order. Thus we demonstrate, perhaps useful for stock market investors as well as for various macroeconomic agents, the technical analysis of bubble and crash, which is complementary to the famous one supplying power law superposed with log periodic oscillations.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.117.630
PACS numbers: 89.20.-a, 89.65.-s, 89.90.+n