On the Scattering of Neutron in the Magnetic Field οf 180° Bloch Wall |
S.N. Sazonov
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, K. Marx 12, 450000 Ufa, Bashkortstan Republic, Russia |
Received: February 16, 2009 |
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The exact solution of the Pauli equation has been derived for neutron wave propagating in magnetized continuum containing the magnetization non-uniformity such as the 180° Bloch wall, whose structure corresponds to the Landau-Lifshitz model. The scattering coefficients with and without neutron spin flip are presented as functions of ratio of neutron energy to the media's magnetic induction value. The possibility of narrow (≲100 Å) domain wall width measurement is discussed by the example of YFe11Ti alloy. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.117.449 PACS numbers: 03.65.Nk, 03.75.Be, 75.60.Ch, 02.30.Gp |