On Resonant Tunnelling in the Biased Double Delta-Barrier |
I. Yanetka
Department of Physics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovakia |
Received: July 10, 2009; In final form: October 12, 2009 |
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The solution of the one-dimensional Schrödinger wave equation is presented for the potential-energy function that describes a double delta-barrier under the application of a constant electrical field perpendicular to it. The transfer matrix technique is employed to determine the transmission coefficient in an analytical form. Some attributes of the transmission coefficient are established. The transmission coefficient is shown to exhibit maxima and minima, the conditions for maxima and minima in the transmission coefficient are discussed. The current-voltage characteristic of the biased double delta-barrier is calculated numerically. It is found to exhibit the same oscillatory behaviour as the transmission coefficient when the voltage applied to the double delta-barrier is increased. The width of the double delta-barrier is shown to modulate the peak-to valley ratio in the current-voltage characteristic. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.1059 PACS numbers: 73.40.Gk, 03.65.-w |