Engineering and Advanced Digitalization of Photonic Structures with Bound Field in the Continuum
N. Prodanović, V. Milanović and J. Radovanović
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
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We describe a method for generation of complex optical potentials which support a bound state of the electric field in continuous part of the spectrum. It is based on deep analogy between quantum mechanical and electromagnetic phenomena and relies on the application of supersymmetric quantum mechanics to generate a smoothly varying complex optical potential, together with the corresponding electric field function for the (single) localized state. However, the obtained potential profile is generally a strongly oscillating function which requires additional processing to make it suitable for practical realization. With this goal in mind, i.e. the construction of a realizable photonic crystal with complex permittivity which supports one bound state in continuum, we have developed an original scheme of digital grading. It approximates the values of the complex relative permittivity in such manner that the final structure may be realized by assembling layers of homogeneous materials.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.116.607
PACS numbers: 11.30.Pb, 03.65.Ge, 42.25.Bs