Wave-Particle Duality through a Hydrodynamic Model of the Fractal Space-Time Theory |
M. Agop a, b, P. Nica b and A. Harabagiu c
a Department of Physics, University of Athens, Athens 15771, Greece b Department of Physics, Technical "Gh. Asachi" University, Blvd. Mangeron No. 64, Iasi 700029, Romania c Faculty of Physics, "Al.I.Cuza" University, Blvd. Carol I, No. 11, Iasi 700506, Romania |
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Received: 16 01 2008; revised version: 21 02 2008 ; |
Considering that the microparticle movements take place on fractal curves, the wave-particle duality is studied in the fractal space-time theory (scale relativity theory). The Nottale model was extended by assuming arbitrary fractal dimension, DF, of the fractal curves and third-order terms in the equation of motion of a complex speed field. It results that, in a fractal fluid, the convection, dissipation, and dispersion are reciprocally compensating at any scale (differentiable or non-differentiable), whereas a generalized Schrödinger equation is obtained for an irrotational movement of the fractal fluid. The absence of the dispersion implies a generalized Navier-Stokes type equation and the usual Schrödinger equation results for the irrotational movement in DF=2 of the fractal fluid. The absence of dissipation implies a generalized Korteweg-de Vries type equation. In such conjecture, the duality is analyzed through a hydrodynamic formulation. At the differentiable scale, the duality is achieved by the flowing regimes of the fractal fluid, while at the non-differentiable scale, a fractal potential controls, through the coherence, the duality. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.113.1571 PACS numbers: 05.45.Df, 47.53.+n, 03.65.-w |