Non-Exponential Decays in First-Order Kinetic Processes. The Case of "Squeezed Exponential"
J. Sworakowski and K. Matczyszyn
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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Received: 26 10 2007;
Kinetics of processes, in which the reaction rate increases with conversion, is discussed and illustrated with an example of the chemical reaction of isomerization of an azobenzene derivative in a liquid crystalline matrix. A simple phenomenological model is put forward explaining the effect by dynamic changes of interactions between the reacting species and the matrix.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.112.S-153
PACS numbers: 82.20.Pm, 82.30.Qt