On the Critical Points of the Structure Amplitude for the Case of One-Dimensional Displacive Modulation
T. Śliwińska, P. Gusin and J. Warczewski
Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
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Received: 12 11 2004; revised version: 31 01 2005;
The behavior of the structure amplitude is analyzed in terms of the harmonics of a modulation function for the case of one-dimensional longitudinal displacive modulation. This modulation function is given by a finite series of N sine functions. It turns out that: (1) for the large values of the amplitudes of the modulation function the structure amplitude tends to zero for the arbitrary values of the order m of the satellite reflections; (2) for certain values of the amplitudes of the modulation function the modulus of the structure amplitude assumes its maximum value and (3) for the latter case the intensity of an arbitrary satellite reflection is a function of the intensities of both the closest main reflection and the intensities of the finite set of the neighbor satellite reflections.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.107.917
PACS numbers:61.44.Fw, 61.10.Dp