Effects of Photoluminescence Polarization in Semiconductor Quantum Well Subjected to In-Plane Magnetic Field |
Yu.G. Semenov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 45 Prospekt Nauki, Kiev 03028, Ukraine and S.M. Ryabchenko Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 46 Prospekt Nauki, Kiev 03028, Ukraine |
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Strong optical polarization anisotropy observed previously in the exciton photoluminescence from [100]-oriented quantum wells subjected to the in-plane magnetic field is described within microscopic approach. Developed theory involves two sources of optical polarization anisotropy. The first of them is due to correlation between ψ-functions phases of electron and heavy hole which arise owing to electron Zeeman spin splitting and joint manifestation of low-symmetrical and Zeeman interactions of heavy holes in an in-plane magnetic field. Other optical polarization anisotropy source stems from the admixture of light-holes states to heavy-holes ones by low-symmetry interactions. The heavy hole splitting caused by these interactions separately and the effects of their interference are analyzed. The domination of C 2v low-symmetry interaction connected with quantum wells interfaces and/or in-plane deformations takes place in relatively low magnetic field. The directions of this perturbation determine main directions of the π-periodical optical polarization anisotropy. The cubic anisotropy of valence band can add the π/2-periodical contribution to the optical polarization anisotropy. In the case of quantum wells with semimagnetic barriers the Zeeman term contribution can reach value, which dominates the C 2v ones, and crossover to polarization connected with magnetic field direction may be observed in low temperature. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.105.537 PACS numbers: 78.67.--n, 78.20.Ls |