Effects of Photoluminescence Polarization in Semiconductor Quantum Well Subjected to In-Plane Magnetic Field
Yu.G. Semenov
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 45 Prospekt Nauki, Kiev 03028, Ukraine
and S.M. Ryabchenko
Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 46 Prospekt Nauki, Kiev 03028, Ukraine
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Strong optical polarization anisotropy observed previously in the exciton photoluminescence from [100]-oriented quantum wells subjected to the in-plane magnetic field is described within microscopic approach. Developed theory involves two sources of optical polarization anisotropy. The first of them is due to correlation between ψ-functions phases of electron and heavy hole which arise owing to electron Zeeman spin splitting and joint manifestation of low-symmetrical and Zeeman interactions of heavy holes in an in-plane magnetic field. Other optical polarization anisotropy source stems from the admixture of light-holes states to heavy-holes ones by low-symmetry interactions. The heavy hole splitting caused by these interactions separately and the effects of their interference are analyzed. The domination of C 2v low-symmetry interaction connected with quantum wells interfaces and/or in-plane deformations takes place in relatively low magnetic field. The directions of this perturbation determine main directions of the π-periodical optical polarization anisotropy. The cubic anisotropy of valence band can add the π/2-periodical contribution to the optical polarization anisotropy. In the case of quantum wells with semimagnetic barriers the Zeeman term contribution can reach value, which dominates the C 2v ones, and crossover to polarization connected with magnetic field direction may be observed in low temperature.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.105.537
PACS numbers: 78.67.--n, 78.20.Ls