Electronic Structure of Doped La-Mn-O Perovskites
M. Demetera, M. Neumanna, V.R. Galakhovb, N.A. Ovechkinab, E.Z. Kurmaevb and N.I. Labachevskayac
aUniversity of Osnabrück, Faculty of Physics Barbarastr. 7, 49069 Osnabrück, Germany
bInstitute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences - Ural Division 620219 Yekaterinburg GSP-170, Russia
cInstitute of Chemistry of Solids, Russian Academy of Sciences - Ural Division 620219 Yekaterinburg GSP-145, Russia
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The electronic structure of the doped perovskite manganese oxides La1-xSrxMnO3 and La1-xBaxMnO3 has been investigated by X-ray photoelectron and X-ray emission spectroscopy. By comparing the O Kα and Mn Lα X-ray emission spectra with the valence band X-ray photoelectron spectra we could localize the Mn 3d and O 2p states into the valence band. Our data are compared with previous band structure calculations. The value of the Mn 3s splitting does not change with Sr-doping in the concentration region from x=0.0 till x=0.3. This shows that the doping holes have mainly oxygen p character. The large value of the splitting indicates that the 3d electrons are in the high-spin state.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.98.587
PACS numbers: 71.70.Gm, 79.70.+q